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Guardian base unit

19-inch rack with power supply, PC interface and incl. cables as well as initial calibration

The following products are automatically added to your configuration and price estimate:WinGuard inspection software full version (WinGuard product page)ADX board (24-bit multimeter, ADX board product page)

System configuration

Relay matrix with 48 channels (MSU board product page)

Programmable power supply (PSU boards product page)

Controller and relay modules (UMB board product page, RLM board product page)

Digital-analogue converter with 8 channels (DAC board product page)

Adjustable transformer with 20 W (TRF board product page)

Power semiconductor switch with 16 channels (PLD board product page)

Digital I/O boards with 16 channels (PIO board product page)

Universal controller, e. g. for colour sensors (UMB board product page)

Decade resistor 1 Ohm to 16 MOhm, 1 % (RDC board product page)

Your current configuration requires too many slots and is not feasible. Please use fewer boards or choose a larger base unit.


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