MSU Board
Channel switch (relay matrix with 48 channels)

  • MSU board: Channel switch with relais matrix with 48 channels view 1
  • MSU board: Channel switch with relais matrix with 48 channels view 2
  • MSU board: Channel switch with relais matrix with 48 channels view 3
  • MSU board: Channel switch with relais matrix with 48 channels view 4
  • 48 channels per board, freely selectable

  • Short switching times

  • Dialectic strength 200 V DC or Vpeak
  • Variable configurations available

  • Long service life


The MSU board is a relay matrix with 48 channels. It is used to connect the test points of a DUT to the measurement board of the test system. The signal to be measured is connected to a central point by switching one of the 48 reed relays and from there connected to the analogue bus via a second group of 8 relays.


Typical applications include automatic testing of electrical assemblies and devices. The advantage of MSU3 in comparison to semiconductor switches is the combination of high dialectic strength and switching capacity at low capacitance. It is suitable for other uses in addition to connecting test points with a measurement device.

  • Short-circuit and connection test
  • Signal feed
  • Connecting test points to each other
  • Controlled discharge of capacities


Operating voltage5 V ± 0.1 V
Current consumption20 mA neutral, 600 mA (all relays active)
Measurement channels (X1)48
Analogue bus channels (X2)8
Relay type
Contact type
Protective gas contact
Current carrying capacity500 mA
Dialectic strength200 V DC
Switching time1 ms
Service life1 * 109 cycles
Service life under load
Contact capacity
1 * 106 cycles
0.3 pF
Dimensions160 x 100 mm
Connector X150-pin header
Connector X264-pin multipole connector DIN 41612


Product types

MSU3Channel switch (3rd generation) with 48-channel relay matrix


We gladly customise our Guardian boards to fulfil your individual needs. Amongst other things, we offer the following services:

We are looking forward to your contact enquiry!